Study Suggests Link Between Salt Intake and Type-2 Diabetes Risk New York, November 2, 2023: New research from Tulane University in the US has brought to light a potential connection between salt consumption and the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes, adding to the well-known advice of avoiding excess sugar for those at risk.
The study, published in the ‘Mayo Clinic Proceedings,’ involved a survey of over 400,000 adults regarding their salt intake. Over a median follow-up period of 11.8 years, more than 13,000 cases of Type-2 diabetes were reported among participants. Comparing participants who “never” or “rarely” used salt to those who “sometimes,” “usually,” or “always” added salt, the study found respective increases in the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes of 13 percent, 20 percent, and 39 percent.
Dr. Lu Qi, the lead author and a Professor at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, noted, “We already know that limiting salt can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, but this study shows for the first time that taking the saltshaker off the table can help prevent Type-2 diabetes as well.”
Further research is necessary to understand the underlying reasons for the potential link between high salt intake and a higher risk of Type-2 diabetes. One hypothesis is that salt may encourage people to consume larger food portions, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing risk factors like obesity and inflammation.
The study also identified an association between frequent salt consumption and higher Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio. Dr. Qi suggests the next step is to conduct a clinical trial controlling the amount of salt participants consume and observe the effects. However, he emphasizes the importance of seeking low-sodium alternatives to season food, as it’s a relatively simple change that can have a substantial impact on one’s health.