Mahashivratri, “The Great Night of Shiva” is the most significant event in India’s spiritual calendar.

The fourteenth day of every lunar month or the day before the new moon is known as Shivratri. Among all the twelve Shivratris that occur in a calendar year, Mahashivratri, the one that occurs in February-March is of the most spiritual significance. On this night, the northern hemisphere of the planet is positioned in such a way that there is a natural upsurge of energy in a human being.

This is a day when nature is pushing one towards one’s spiritual peak. It is to make use of this, that in this tradition, we established a certain festival which is nightlong. To allow this natural upsurge of energies to find their way,one of the fundamentals of this nightlong festival is to ensure that you remain awake with your spine vertical throughout the night.

Mahashivratri is very significant for people who are on the spiritual path. It is also very significant for people who are in family situations, and also for the ambitious in the world. People who live in family situations observe Mahashivratri as Shiva’s wedding anniversary. Those with worldly ambitions see that day as the day Shiva conquered all his enemies.

But, for the ascetics, it is the day he became one with Mount Kailash. He became like a mountain – absolutely still. In the yogic tradition, Shiva is not worshipped as a God, but considered as the Adi Guru, the first Guru from whom the science of Yoga originated. After many millennia in meditation, one day he became absolutely still. That day is Mahashivratri. All movement in him stopped and he became utterly still, so ascetics see Mahashivratri as the night of stillness.

  1. Moon
  2. Wisdom is beyond the mind, but it needs to be expressed with a tinge of mind and this is symbolized by the crescent moon.

2 Snake

The snake symbolizes alertness. To express this state of consciousness, a snake is shown around Lord Shiva’s neck.

3 Trident

Trishul signifies that Shiva is above all 3 states – waking, dreaming and sleeping, yet he upholds all 3 states.

  1. Third Eye

Alertness, knowledge, and wisdom are all related to the third eye.

  1. Drum
  2. symbolizes the universe which is always expanding and collapsing. From an expansion it collapses and then it re-expands, this is the process of creation.
  3. Bull is a symbol of dharma (righteousness). Lord Shiva riding on the bull means that when you are truthful, the infinite consciousness is with you.

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