Hyderabad Kanha Shanti Vanam witnessed a three-day International Conference on ‘Advances in Biology and Medicine’ from 21-st to 23rd February. The conference was jointly organized by the Higher Education Wing of TS & TTWREIS – Gurkulam, Telangana Life Sciences, FABA, and Heartfulness Education Trust, with the participation of 14 speakers from premier universities and research institutions around the world. The event attracted 750 delegates, including faculty members, researchers, and students, who were provided with the latest updates in the field of Biosciences and Pharmacy.

On Day 3 of the conference, the session began with a meditation and an interaction with Daaji, where the invited speakers posed some queries on the power of meditation and its positive outcomes. Later, the session was engaged by Dr. Vinay K. Nandicoori, Director, CCMB, who enlightened the delegates on vaccines, their efficacy, and challenges ahead, citing the example of the COVID-19 virus and its various mutants.

Dr. Rakesh Mishra, Director of the Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, delivered the valedictory lecture on the ‘One Health’ concept proposed in the G20 Summit. He emphasized the role of municipalities in creating awareness about maintaining hygiene and taking appropriate measures to check various disease-causing organisms. He also stressed the need for municipalities to conduct awareness programs.

The three-day conference concluded with the presentation of awards to the winners of paper and poster presentations and certificate distribution. The event was a success, and it helped the participants gain valuable insights into the latest advances in the field of Biosciences and Pharmacy.

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