MUMBAI: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis addressed the media today regarding the ongoing investigation into the attack case involving Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Speaking at a press briefing, Fadnavis assured that all details about the case would be disclosed by the Mumbai Police Commissioner either today or tomorrow.
The Chief Minister urged the public and media to avoid speculation, emphasizing the importance of not spreading confusion based on unofficial or incomplete information. He reiterated that the investigation is being conducted meticulously by the Mumbai Police.
During the briefing, Fadnavis also highlighted a significant milestone for Maharashtra as the first state in India to implement the evidence management system envisioned by the central government. To bolster this initiative, the state has launched mobile forensic vans equipped with forensic experts.
“These mobile units will ensure immediate collection of evidence from crime scenes, eliminating any chance of tampering,” Fadnavis explained. He further announced plans to expand the deployment of these vans across all police stations in Maharashtra, aiming to strengthen the state’s criminal justice system.
The dual focus on transparency in the Saif Ali Khan case and advancements in forensic capabilities reflects Maharashtra’s commitment to modernizing law enforcement and ensuring public trust.