Feeling low and depressed? A recent study suggests that incorporating furry fruits like Kiwi into your diet could significantly boost vitality and mood in just four days.
According to co-author Professor Tamlin Conner from the University of Otago in New Zealand, these findings offer a practical and accessible way for individuals to support their mental well-being. Conner emphasizes, “It’s great for people to know that small changes in their diet, like adding kiwifruit, could make a difference in how they feel every day.”
The research highlights the positive impact of vitamin C intake on mood, vitality, well-being, and depression levels. Conversely, vitamin C deficiency is linked to higher depression rates and cognitive impairment.
Although previous studies have explored the association between vitamin C and mental health, few have examined the speed at which mood improvements occur with vitamin C supplementation or whole food sources.
In an 8-week dietary intervention involving 155 adults with low vitamin C levels, participants were assigned to daily doses of either a vitamin C supplement, placebo, or two kiwifruits. They reported their mood, vitality, flourishing, sleep quality, sleep quantity, and physical activity using smartphone surveys.
Published in The British Journal of Nutrition, the results revealed that kiwifruit supplementation led to improvements in vitality and mood within just four days, peaking around days 14-16, and enhancing flourishing from day 14 onwards. Vitamin C supplementation, on the other hand, showed marginal mood improvement until day 12.
Lead author Dr. Ben Fletcher from the university emphasizes the significance of understanding the timing and mechanisms of these mood-boosting effects. He notes, “Our participants had relatively good mental health to begin with, so had little room for improvement, but still reported the benefits of kiwifruit or vitamin C interventions.”
While vitamin C tablets demonstrated some improvements, the study underscores the potential synergistic effects of consuming whole foods like kiwifruit. Dr. Fletcher advocates for a holistic approach to nutrition and well-being, encouraging individuals to incorporate various nutrient-rich foods into their diets.