Northern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited, Memo No.CMD/CS(Gr-II)/TSNPDL/F.No.364/D.No.43/2024, Dt: 30-01-2024.
In response to recent orders (Ref. 1-3) from the Energy (HR-A1) Department, alternative arrangements have been implemented for the positions of Directors at TSNPDCL until new appointments are made. The Chief General Managers entrusted with these responsibilities are:
- Director (Projects):
- Chief General Manager/Commercial: Sri T. Sadarlal (Responsibility: Commercial)
- Director (Operation):
- Chief General Manager/Operation -I: Sri V. Mohan Rao (Responsibility: P&MM – Planning & Material Management)
- Director (HRD&IR):
- Chief General Manager/MRT: Sri B. Ashok Kumar (Responsibility: Matters under MRT, reporting directly to Chairman & Managing Director)
The Chief General Manager/MRT will directly report to the Chairman & Managing Director, and matters involving finance will go through the Director (Finance). Additionally, other subjects such as MRT, QC & Enquiry, IPC&RAC, Planning, DPE, Chief Vigilance Officer, and Company Secretary will report directly to the Chairman & Managing Director Karnati Varun Reddy.