A team of researchers has uncovered an unexpected correlation between smart garden mowers and cybercrime, revealing that these seemingly innocuous devices can pose a security risk to your home network.
According to VPN service provider ZenShield, threat actors can exploit vulnerabilities in the software powering smart garden mowers to gain unauthorized access to the device. Once compromised, these internet-connected devices, which are part of the Internet of Things (IoT), can serve as entry points for cybercriminals to infiltrate other more sensitive devices on the same network.
Despite the convenience offered by IoT devices like smart garden mowers, they also present opportunities for cyberattacks. The researchers highlighted that homes equipped with such devices experience an average of 12,000 hack attempts per week. Steffan Black, a technology expert at ZenShield, remarked, “It’s a strange reality where your lawn mower could become the starting point for a ransomware attack.”
In a recent study, researchers created a simulated smart home environment, complete with various real devices connected to the internet. Hackers made up to 14 attempts per hour to breach these devices. “These attackers aren’t interested in manipulating your lawn care equipment.
However, they are keen on identifying vulnerabilities in your home network that they can exploit,” Black explained. IoT devices are favored by cybercriminals due to factors like easy accessibility, potential backdoor entries, and their proximity to valuable information. To enhance the security of IoT devices, the researchers recommended taking proactive measures such as modifying default settings, implementing regular software updates, and segregating networks.