Hyderabad, March15
A group of individuals has been apprehended for allegedly attempting to cheat on Questionpapers from the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC). The main suspect, Praveen Kumar, reportedly obtained questionnaires for the Assistant Engineer (AE) civil exam using his technological skills. However, the Commission detected the breach and filed a complaint with the authorities.
Following an investigation, the police arrested eight other suspects along with Praveen Kumar, A. Rajasekhar, Renuka, Dakyanayak, K.Rajeshwar, K. Nileshnayak, P. Gopal Nayak, and K. Rajendranayak. The accused were presented before the court and subsequently sent to judicial custody for 14 days. The Begum Bazar police have also sought custody of the suspects for ten days.

According to the Secretary Peshi, Praveen Kumar was able to obtain the IP address, user ID, and passwords by stealing them. The Superintendent of the Confidential Section, Shankar lakshmi, had recently repaired the computer, and the system administrator, Rajasekhar, had configured it to use a Static IP instead of a Dynamic IP address. Using Shankar lakshmi’s user ID and passwords, Rajasekhar accessed the computer and copied the AE civil Question papers. Praveen printed the Question papers at the Commission’s office, and Renuka and her husband passed them on to Dakya nayak. The questionnaires were later sold to Nilesh and Gopal at a Lodge in LBinagar for Rs 14 lakh.
Praveen reportedly received Rs 5 lakh at Balapur Crossroads on the 2nd of this month and another Rs 5 lakh after the exam. The Assistant Secretary of the Admin Department, Satyanarayana, lodged a complaint with the Begum Bazar police on the 11th of this month, alleging that key information was leaked from TSPSC computers. The police started investigating the matter and apprehended Praveen at his residence in Badungpet on the 13th of this month. The other suspects were also arrested based on information gathered during the investigation. The police stated in the remand report that the accused have confessed to the crime.