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GMPS Warns of Action Against Land Grabbers in Gollakuruma’s

Warangal, April 5

The State Chief Secretary, Udutha Ravinder, has issued a warning regarding the Gollakuruma’s lands. This comes after a team from the State Sheep and Goat Breeders Society (GMPS) visited Solipuram, where there are speculations of land grabbing by Venkat Reddy, who claims to have owned the land for the past 50 years. There are also rumors that MLA Muthireddy Yadagiri Reddy is cooperating with Venkat Reddy.

The GMPS is calling on the MLA to respond to the allegations and suspend Tarigoppula ZPTC and her husband Venkat Reddy. If the MLA fails to prove his honesty, the Gollakurumal lands will show appropriate wisdom in the upcoming elections, warns the GMPS.

The Warangal Police Commissioner, Ranganath garu, has also expressed his intolerance towards land grabs and urged that the incident be resolved with special attention.

In response, local leaders have assured the injured victims of the attack by land grabbers that action will be taken against the perpetrators. Aleti Yadagiri, the GMPS State Vice President, along with other district and local leaders, including youth leaders of All India Yadav Sangam and leaders of Aya Sanghas, participated in the meeting.

The GMPS has also threatened to call for a protest, “Chalo Solipuram,” if necessary. The incident highlights the ongoing issue of land grabbing in the region and the need for action to protect the rights of the local residents.

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