Hyderabad, April 25 – The strike by electricity artisans in Telangana continues despite the actions taken by power companies and the government. In response to the strike, power company management has terminated 200 artisans and dismissed two union leaders. Three CMDs have also issued warnings that any artisan who fails to report to work by Wednesday morning will be terminated from their job. The police have arrested the leaders of artisans across the state, creating confusion in the power companies.

The artisans’ associations claim that the strike will continue to fight for their rights. However, Transco and Genco CMD Prabhakar Rao stated that the strike has had no impact on power generation, supply, and distribution. He further added that 100 percent of the artisans working in Gen Co power generation companies and 100 percent of the artisans working in Trans Co Discoms have reported for duty. The Emergency Services Act (ESMA) is in force, and orders have been issued to dismiss around 200 artisans who took part in the strike despite warnings.

Despite the actions taken by the government and power companies, the strike continues. Union General Secretary S. Sailu revealed that 80 percent of Transco and 60 percent of artisans in Genco and Discom are participating in the strike. The strike is expected to continue until the artisans’ demands are met. The Ittehad Union has also announced its participation in the strike. General Secretary Nandeeshwar confirmed that the strike is ongoing and dismissed rumors of it being called off. The artisans claim that they will continue the strike until their demands are met.

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