NGT (South Zone) Cautions MOEF Over Delay in Issuing Clearance for TSGENCO’s Yadadri Thermal Power Plant

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) in the South Zone has issued a warning to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF) for the significant delay in granting clearance to the Telangana State Power Generation Corporation’s (TSGENCO) 4000 MW Yadadri Super Critical Thermal Power Station. The commissioning of this power plant has been hindered by the delay in the issuance of additional Terms of Reference (TOR) as ordered by the NGT (South Zone).

TSGENCO commenced the project following the receipt of Environmental Clearance from MOEF on October 17, 2017, with a project cost of Rs. 34,500 crores. However, the Environmental Clearance granted by MOEF was challenged by the Conservation Action Trust in Mumbai, leading to the suspension of the clearance by the NGT (South Zone) for a period of nine months. The NGT directed MOEF to issue additional TOR if necessary.

TSGENCO has diligently followed the NGT’s directives and has been actively pursuing MOEF for the issuance of the additional TOR, as per the NGT’s instructions.

TSGENCO has also filed an executive petition against MOEF for its alleged failure to comply with the NGT’s directions, despite adhering to all stipulated requirements.

Given the substantial power requirements in Telangana, TSGENCO sought permission from the NGT (South Zone) to commission the project. They emphasized that MOEF’s persistent delays in issuing the additional TOR, despite compliance with the NGT’s conditions and disregarding the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee, have caused substantial financial losses to TSGENCO. The NGT (South Zone) responded by disposing of the petition on October 30, 2023, and directed MOEF to issue the additional TOR within one month.

The NGT (South Zone) expressed dissatisfaction with MOEF’s actions, citing a deliberate delay and cautioned that severe punishment may be imposed on MOEF and its officials. This delay by MOEF has resulted in financial losses for TSGENCO, including interest during construction and increased costs for the state in purchasing power, particularly for the agricultural sector.

TSGENCO was represented by Additional Advocate General Sri J. Ramachander Rao, Senior Advocate Sri Y. Rama Rao, and Sri Y. Sankalp, Advocate, before the NGT (South Zone).

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